Peru Carmen de la Frontera

$ 20.00

The district of Carmen de la Frontera is located in the province of Huancabamba in the Piura region, on the border between Namballe in Cajamarca and Ecuador. This district is characterized by having extremely varied altitudes, climates, and terrain. In the highest part of the Andes in this region (approximately 3,000 masl) we find moors and cloud forests. Up here, the climate is so cold only potatoes and other tubers grow. All of this changes if we travel 2 hours north, right up to the Ecuador border.  

This area is known as Selva Alta (high forest). Here, the climate becomes more tropical, the vegetation thickens, and agricultural products diversify. It is in this area where we find coffee and sugar cane crops and production of panela and yonque (popular alcoholic beverage in the area).  

The Carmen de la Frontera area is part of the Chicuate-Chinguelas conservation area where several species in danger of extinction are protected, such as the Andean cock of the rock, tapir, and spectacled bear. 
In the cup, the Carmen de la Frontera has an intensely sweet, almost fudge-like sweetness aroma that belies the green apple, and tart cherry underneath. A caramel sweetness lingers in the finish and is an interesting inversion to our other Peru offering, Isuaro Flores. In Isuaro Flores’ coffee, the acidity is present in just sufficient quantities to highlight the caramel sweetness. Here, the caramel and fudgy sweetness are present in just sufficient quantities to offset the tart, fruit-like acidities. Try them both and let us know what you think! 


Location: Huancabamba, Piura, Peru
Producer: Various smallholder producers in the Carmen de la Frontera community
Importer: Red Fox
Process Method: Washed
Varietal(s): Caturra, Bourbon
Elevation: 1600-2000 masl

  • Roasting Schedule:  We roast every Tuesday and Deliver/Ship every Wednesday. All orders must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Mondays to ensure delivery during the current week